Since October 2023, a humanitarian crisis escalated across Gaza and the West Bank. Since the start of these tragic events, Gaza has become one of the world's most dangerous places for civilians. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and even more are wounded. An estimated 1.9 million people (90 percent of the population) are displaced. With repeated displacement and near-daily bombardment, the humanitarian crisis is reaching a time of peril for Gazan families and civilians. In the West Bank, conflicts persist, causing significant displacement and harm.
Our long-standing presence in Gaza and the West Bank allows us to quickly adapt and mobilize to respond to the quickly changing context and needs, with a deep understanding and trusted relationships with the communities we serve. Within Gaza and the West Bank, we are providing a range of critical assistance, including food, shelter, cash assistance, hygiene supplies and care for people’s grief and emotional well-being. Support will transition to sustainable recovery efforts once the context has stabilized.
With your gift, families and civilians across Gaza and the West Bank whose lives have been thoroughly disrupted due to circumstances beyond their control, will have vital relief and care as they seek refuge and relief.
All amounts are in USD
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