Your fundraising efforts can provide an Ark of opportunity and hope to communities around the world by funding the projects described below:

Tree Saplings: 5/$5

Start your Ark with a tree that helps both the environment and the families that CRS serves. Planting trees on bare land can replenish the soil and improve farmers’ crop production. Fruit trees offer the added benefit of providing delicious and nutritious food.

Rabbits: 1/$27

Rabbits make more than cuddly pets. Small-scale coffee farmers can receive vouchers at livestock fairs to buy a small animal. The rabbits produce organic manure for home gardens or coffee fields, which improves crop production.

Pigs: 1/$30

A pig is an insurance policy for a poor family. When crops fail to produce enough income and food due to drought, pigs can be sold to generate extra money. This helps families meet their basic needs while they work to improve crop yields. 

Poultry: 5 Hens, 1 Rooster/$40

Chickens and roosters help families build their livelihoods. A small poultry farm with just five hens and one rooster can provide extra income that can help families pay for education for their children. And the eggs are an important source of protein.

Lambs & Baby Goats: 1/$80

A lamb or a baby goat can be a lifesaving gift to a poor child. Not as a pet, but as a daily source of nutritious milk. Livestock helps farm families provide well-rounded diets for their children and increase their incomes by selling milk and cheese. Catholic Relief Services provides free veterinary care, including vaccinations, for the animals.

Cows: 1/$300

One cow can make a big nutritional difference for a poor household. Fresh milk means children receive a well-balanced diet, and parents can earn extra income for household needs and school tuition. Livestock is also a valuable asset that provides a family with added stability should crops fail or disaster strike.

A Hive of Honeybees: 1/$410

Beekeeping is a business that has a sweet return. One hive can produce enough honey to pay for itself within a year, and it will continue to produce honey for many seasons.

All items are actual goods and services provided to the people CRS serves overseas. The gifts described here are symbolic of the good your donation will do for children, women and men in more than 100 countries.